The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry
“Life isn’t “out there” in the next dopamine hit, the next task, the next experience; its right here, now”
The first book I read this year, apart of my ‘read 12 books this year goal’, was called “The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry” -by John Mark Comer.
I had never heard of this author or book before. I was visiting a church in November and I was sharing with a guy named Matt about how much I love my flip phone (RIP flipy, I miss you). He asked me if I was inspired by this book. I said I never read it. He pulled it out of nowhere and gave it to me. I took my time reading it and digesting it over the past two months. It was a great read. Highly recommend!
This book has an over-arching theme: SLOW DOWN! BE IN THE NOW!
A simple yet profound message for this current generation. This whole country, world even, is focused on speed. Constantly “running out of time”, or my favorite, “have no time”. The point of this book is that we are constantly hurrying. Hurrying trying to get ‘ahead’ and running our souls into disarray. Ultimately leaving us tired, depressed, and wanting more. Grasping for a life that at the very least we can brag about online. We are more rich and have more stuff than ever, yet statically we are not happy or at peace.
American culture doesn’t practice the Sabbath, even Christians have thrown that commandment to the way side. This is a practice I started doing this year, and one that this book talks about, that I have seen profound benefits to. The idea of purposely slowing down and taking the whole day out of the week to focus on rest, family, and Jesus is a daunting one in todays world that changes daily. Once I started doing it, I realized that THIS is how God designed us to be. The amount of peace and rest my soul receives from this weekly habit goes far beyond any pot I could smoke or sleeping-in I could do.
“But I have so much to do, so many things to take care of.” This is also a topic this book talks about and that is minimalism. Only having what I need for TODAY. A couple outfits in the closet. One pair of shoes. Not a house filled to the brim with stuff, but only the stuff that brings joy and is used. This is a concept I have become very comfortable with living the nomad lifestyle for the past 7 months. Its freeing. Not caring about how I look or what others will think of me. Dressing for the sake of mobility, eating for the sake of fuel. Living with only what I need and is currently serving me. Holding higher eternal things, other than physical. Focusing more on the fruit of the spirit, not what this 1 ad is trying to trick me into buying (1 of over 4,000 we see a day). Peace. Rest. One with God. Leaving room for Him to speak and interact with me. This is what life on earth is all about. Rest doesn’t mean a Netflix binge day either.
The topic of technology & entertainment is hit in the book quite a bit. I found many of his tools useful, and as I switch back to the iPhone, I changed my screen to “GreyScale” upon his recommendation and it’s helping a lot. Comer gives a LOT of interesting stats on technology and how its activity destroying our peace and connection to God. VERY interesting stuff, that you’ll have to read for yourself to see what I mean.
Over all I enjoyed this book a lot. It gives many practical tools on how to be more focused on the now. How to find rest and peace through Christ’s example. For me personally, this book had many great reminders and reassured me that my quest to live in peace is one to be taken seriously/respected. To be set apart is to NOT look like the world. This trap of wanting to be super rich NOW, wanting new camera gear/tech, to be successful, to travel the worllllddd are thoughts that I struggle with daily. Not inherently sinful and God wants me to live my best life, but maybe my best life today to being right where I’m at, with these exact people He has put in my path.
Success is different for everyone. Many of us are sold an idea that success is how other people see us. Fancy car, big house, shredded body, designer clothes, trips to 5 star resorts around the world. This is the success I desire at least! BUT I can be successful today with none of these things. I can be successful by slowing down, taking a breath, and asking God “I am a vessel, work through me today to make an impact for others”. Nothing is more successful than being grateful and content with the exact life you already have. Being fully WITH people around you. More than happiness, to live in continual peace. Peace unshakeable by circumstance. Peace so mighty man alone can not accomplish it, only by the power of Yahweh can we achieve such peace. This is my desire as a man. Unshakable peace that my future children can always be certain that Daddy will be cool, calm, and collected. Intouch with God and a rock for the family to rest upon. To not be in such a hurry all the time, but understanding the best time to be alive… is right now.