Rusty Roller Skates
The sensation of wind rushing past me as I speed through the streets, the exhilaration of performing tricks and maneuvers, all of it fills me with a sense of joy and freedom. Roller skating is not just a way to pass the time, but a true passion that has become an integral part of me finding peace and happiness.
I go for a couple mile skate everyday and that didn’t stop on my trip to California. Two days ago, I went roller skating in the rain down by the beach. I had a huge smile on my face and felt like I was flying down the boardwalk. It was an exciting experience, but I didn't think about the potential consequences of not properly cleaning my skates after being exposed to the salt water.
As a result, within a day, my wheels and bearings became squeaky, rusty, and ultimately unusable. I was left with no other option but to purchase new wheels and bearings, which ended up costing me $163. This was an expensive lesson, but it taught me the importance of not being complacent and staying focused on the task at hand.
As I pull up to Newport beach yesterday, after a 40 minute drive, I’m backing up to park as I get a call from my very good friend Kegan Windle. He’s asking me about my book, about videos, and about the work i’m doing for the Lord. I shamefully can not give him too many updates as i’ve been taking it slow and chilling beach-side. He prayed over me the EXACT prayer I needed in the moment I put on my skates and realized they were ruined. He prayed that the ruined skates tell me something deeper and that "Life is like a game of chess, in which the possibilities for intelligent action are ever-present. What strategic decisions will you make in this ongoing game of life?"
In many ways, this experience was a reflection of my current life. Just as I need to stay focused and work hard to maintain my skates, I also need to stay focused and work hard in other areas of my life. I need to be vigilant and responsible in order to achieve the greatness God has planned for me. I allowed my life, these past three days, to look like a vacation by the beach and I haven’t been writing my book, editing videos, or doing my 300 push ups a day. I allowed the excuse of traveling and “being in the moment” to stop me from reaching my full potential.
Weakness trickles in slowly and takes over rapidly. I choose into weakness yesterday. Started with pressing snooze, ended with going to bed early watching videos on my phone. Everyday there are intelligent moves to make. Life never stops or slows down, we make it what we want.
God gives us lessons like this one DAILY, if you look hard enough. Each day is an opportunity to be better than we were the day before. Choose into hard. Choose into learning from past mistakes.
After this I will always remember to take the necessary precautions to keep my skates in good condition. A little bit of extra effort can go a long way in preventing costly repairs and choosing smart moves everyday will only get me closer to where I need to go.