
DISCLAIMER I’m going to try and write something that doesn’t get me put on a watchlist. This is not a manifesto, this is not a call to action, this is in no way an incitement to violence. Just my raw honest thoughts on the current trajectory of this country I love so dearly.

As a young American citizen, I’m quite worried for the future of this nation. I’ve been so blessed in my life. My parents staying together, plenty of love in the home, countless traveling experiences, education to rival kings and queens of the past. Im a good ol country boy with big dreams of freedom and family prosperity. Now I’m 24; I look around and don’t recognize the country I grew up in. As somebody who stays far away from the poverty mindset like it’s the plague, the American dream seems to be getting more and more out of reach for me. Bills are stacking, distractions are plentiful, stress and anxiety fills the air around me. The youth feel hopelessly addicted to one substance or the other… or both at the same time. Everybody’s so focused on the meaningless hustle of survival, they have little time for eternal endeavors. For family, community and God.

Obviously we are exposed to an information overload of everything bad going on in the world at a degree never seen by mankind before. As I read the historical records made available, I’m aware everything changes gradually over time and corruption is nothing new. This nation was even founded upon principles to fight against this inevitable power clutching greed. This past 3 years feels… different. It’s apparent to anybody with a functioning prefrontal cortex that the “killer is inside the house!” The corruption that will eventually lead to the collapse of this great nation will happen from the inside, just as predicted by our forefathers. Trust is at an all time low. Lies are at an all time high. So much information from all sides and deep fakes that look so real, it’s hard to trust any sides talking points or “evidence”. Taking everything with a grain of salt and admitting to myself that I know nothing to be certain, other than Christ crucified. What is illuminated, now more than ever, is that we are coming to a breaking point where action will need to be taken. Civil War 2.0. 1776 remastered. American Revolution 2 Electric Boogaloo.

The only question I have is, “what does a modern civil war looks like”? It’s not as easy as North vs South. We can’t just line up and shoot people in the woods like the 1800s. Liberals and conservatives, whether we like it or not, are intermarried living in meshed communities. We are ALL in this together. The senseless murder of one side will not fix any problems. (I mean maybe the murder/sacrifice of babies to the abortion gods, common sense can be reinstated, and family unit being valued again, but it won’t fix all the problems.) No matter which side you are on, we all have the same enemies and SPOILER ALERT, it’s not each other. It’s the powers at be in Washington DC. The faceless powers so rich it’s incomprehensible, funneling all their resources into lowering the population so they can have even more. Real life demons focusing on evil with every neuron in their skull. Old testament type beat.

So it’s not just the democrats. It’s not just the republicans. It’s not Joe Biden or Donald Trump. It’s not congress or China or Russia and certainly not North Korea. Get rid of them and faster than you can say “WE WON, FREEDOM!!” Somebody else has already taken their place controlled by the same people with the same agenda as before. So WHO are we fighting against? Does the uncertainty of the enemy leave us in a state of paralysis? It’s very obvious we are being attacked mentally and spiritually to pit us against each other so we can’t unify. White vs black, left vs right, straight vs gay, vaxxed vs thinking people, sports team vs same sports team from a different state. The division is so manufactured it’s borderline embarrassing. What’s worse is it actually kinda works. They know if we unify there’s way more of us than them, the question is… who are they? If we were to unify, what / who are we fighting?

I’ll need to read some more about the day to day of the American Civil War, because certainly there was no grandiose announcement. CIVIL WAR HAS BEGUN, GRAB YOUR GUNS AND JOIN YOUR LOCAL MILITIA TODAY! History reflected upon, we shorten YEARS of details into mere sentences. I don’t believe we will get a notification on our phones telling us war has begun. I believe it already has begun. So whats next? What does a citizen vs military/US government battle look like? Will the military even fight against their own people? I doubt it heavily. All I know is we are one more stolen election away from the majority of the USA taking to the streets demanding change. Demands not in the form of a nice signed petition. Demands not stated on some homemade arts and crafts sign, paired with a chant and march. Demands taken by force. Force allowed and encouraged by the Declaration of Independence, my boy Tommy J wrote back in the 1770s. That guy was so metal. You know I’m currently the age he was when he wrote that document that changed the world forever? 24 years old. Respect.

So what does taking back this country look like? Nothing like the, laughable, January 6 “insurrection”. I bet nothing like the previous Civil War. Finance warfare, such as everybody deciding that we’re not paying taxes? Nobody goes into work? Social media tiktok dance battle? WHO WILL RENEGADE US BACK TO FREEDOM?!?

I genuinely want to believe that the spirit of America is not permanently fragile like Joey B, but momentarily lethargic. That we will see a resurgence of greatness in my lifetime. 1950s once more, by 2050. But we will not become greased lighting-ed more than ever before by standing around waiting for the corrupt to hallow thy selves by some radical shift in attitude. “Sorry you guys, I realized last night I actually don’t need more power! I’ve decided that I’m going to resign and allow the American people to rule themselves how they wish. Seriously my bad, we’re gonna stop poisoning you now. News stations are shut down. Everything will be better real soon”. Could you imagine? There will HAVE to be a fight. Who shall lead it? What will it look like? Could it be as simple as armed militia in the street? I don’t think so. We’re going to have to get more creative than that. As much as I appreciate Trump fighting for America, while at the same time being anti-war, this goes bigger than tax cuts and border policy. We are at GOD level needed assistance.

I believe the only way for us to peacefully turn back is for there to be a radical shift back to following Gods law out of the fear of the Lord. Value values again. Respect thy neighbor, posture a servant leader heart, lift the family unit high and destroy all those who despise it. Be filled with love and have a unified understanding of what love is. I’m not talking bringing back the crusades. Somehow making the Christian Church ONE body, banding together, and making that life of Godliness so desirable that people open their hearts to let Yahweh in. The word tells us this day is coming in the end times. How can you play a role in Gods Holy Kingdom? You do know that you are valued by Him and definitely play a BIG role in His plan right? Ask God what that is and run after it with all you got.

Ok so what if that doesn’t happen soon? What if peaceful isn’t an option? I believe the first step is recognizing that we are already being attacked from every angle.

Poisoned by our genetically modified, microwaved, nutrient deficient, plastic wrapped food. Poisoned by our chemical water and air supply. Fake clothes, fake money, fake sex, fake mind numbing entertainment. Prescription pills, electronic frequencies, schools meant to suppress and manufacture employees. Media telling you that your values lead by the Word, are evil and real evil is love. Artificial environment designed to suppress our nature aligned by design bodies.

Next step is to recognize the oppressor, that once irradiated, will turn this ship around. Which acronym is it? WHO? NATO? WEF? CIA/FBI? LGBTQAI+? FDA? USA? H-tothe-IZO-V-tothe-IZA? Fo sizzle my nizzl- wait wait there I go again, distracted by pop culture. Good song tho, still holds up. Just when I thought this could be my Declaration of Independence I shouts outs Jay-Z. Tom-eezy Jeff-teezy would never.

The final step is to unify and figure out the most impactful way to fight back. 1776 WILL COMMENCE ONCE MORE!!! THERES NO STOPPING IT, THIS IS GODS PLAN. America is the last line of defense for true real freedom in the world. Nobody is coming to save us. This country is corrupt. We’ve been fooled into get into wars that are not our own all in the name of money for decades. USA is not Holy, but the IDEA of this country is worth preserving. I’m not sure about you, but I’m willing to seriously fight for this cause. There’s not much in this life I’m willing to die for. Yahweh, my family, and this country. I appreciate my life and the experience I’ve had in the United States of America. I want my kids to experience this.

Reagan said, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.

We are officially seeing our freedoms evaporating in real time. The tree of liberty is watered by the blood of the previous generation. Don’t let their deaths be for nothing! FIGHT! DON’T LET THE PROPAGANDA PERSEVERE! RISE UP, TURN OFF YOUR SPYING DEVICE PHONES AND DISCUSS ON WHAT YOU CAN DO TO HELP PRESERVE THIS GREAT NATION! We will make America great again with or without Trump. Stay alert. Don’t give up hope. Trust in the Lord. Peace be with you all.




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