24 Hour Birthday Party

Yesterday was my 24th birthday, and we celebrated by having a 24 hour party! Starting off with a Bible study, my best friends and I had a day filled with fun activities. Jet skiing on the ocean felt like dirt biking down an ever changing, constantly evolving path. Cards games after the BBQ got rowdy. Hitting the punching bag after the UFC event with my future brother in law amped us back up. At the end of the day feeling exhausted, I reflect on how blessed I am to have such great brothers and sisters in Christ to spend wholesome time with. All these fun activities spent, and my favorite part was fellowship with this community. It doesn’t matter what we do, as long as we’re all together it’s a good time.

I wake up today, alone in bed, with this overwhelming feeling that no amount of fun will ever fill my heart and soul as much as Yahweh does. I’m desperate to hear from Him on what I can do to serve Him next. I start my days out on my knees eager to seek His face. This next year of my life I want to have my eyes open to see and ears perked ready to hear what He has for me. I’m ready to go ALL IN and take big risks to follow the path He has planned for my life. For my life is not my own, I am but a humble servant of the Lord.

I feel a great change coming. A change so drastic everything that we think matters today will matter not very soon. A shaking of the church body that will leave many lukewarm believers behind. Ones that wear phony salvation as an accessory, like gold plated jewelry. Unable to tell the difference with the naked eye, only by fire is the truth revealed. Fire is coming. So many people are waking up and finding the Lord it’s an incredible sight to see. Many don’t know what they are signing up for. It’s not going to be easy, it’ll actually be quite the opposite. The disciples suffered and were persecuted for their faith, the same will be expected of us in this next chapter. I’m ready to suffer, unnoticed, unrecognized, unappreciated, for the glory of the Lord. I’m ready for silence. I’m ready to be in the storm and not abandon ship! I’m ready for ship wrecks. Im ready for chains. I’m ready for imprisonment. I’m ready for death. For I know, like I know my own name or what street I live on, that death is not final. Eternity is what I prepare for, not the next paycheck or the weekend.

It becomes clearer by each year passing that every single thing that “happens to me” is actually happening FOR me. Each trial strengthens and refines me into Christlikeness. I’ve been pondering how God, who is love and all that is good, can understand fully all my evil. How can the flawless creator of all, completely understand my flaws? Totally forgive my transgressions? I’ve concluded that it’s apart of His design. How can we know what is light without darkness? How could we appreciate good health and peace without pain and anxiety? How can we properly understand and lead others without failing to do so and seeing the results of that failure?

I pray that my life is a living testimony that the Holy Spirit is not fantasy, that it is realer than real. That salvation in Christ is all that matters. Even “my birthday” can and should be used to uplift Him, not myself.

God bless you all.




As A Man Thinketh