Choose Love NOT War

Super Bowl & UFOs are all the same. It’s all a distraction that a war has begun. Derailed trains and spy planes. The rumblings of a war effort have been grumbling for years. Like Ancient Rome, distract the people with bread and circuses, so “They” can churn the money printing war machine. It’s nothing new. It’s what America does. It’s what the world has done since the beginning, and we so happen to be the best at it there ever was. Electing the right politicians won’t fix it. Posting on social media will do nothing much. In my own world, unable to solve the big problems, I’m at peace.

This life isn’t as black and white as left or right. What one of my mentors taught me is there is no “good” and “bad” side of the political spectrum. They are all on the same side. There are only 2 real sides to this spiritual war. World v Kingdom. Which side are you on?

If you watch the news, no matter Fox or MSMBC, thinking that the people on the other side of those pixels are telling you the truth, you are subscribing to the world. If this past 3 years has not opened your eyes to the crude deception of our leaders, you are on team world.

I lived in fear of the impending war from around 2020-mid2022, before I remembered how this game ends. God wins. We know this to be true, yet we still choose to live in fear. It’s like watching the Super Bowl the day after KNOWING Kansas City wins, but being stressed out when the Eagles are up. The stress is gone. We know who wins the game of life. So which team are you on? Team world or Team Jesus?

The scripture tells us:

“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.” -Matthew 6:33

This is how you win. Free your mind of stressing out over if war is breaking out and focus on how you can share the good news of the kingdom to those Yahweh has placed in your life. Unshakable peace is obtainable for anyone crazy enough to believe it.

No matter a draft. No matter invasions on home land. No matter who dies. No matter where you are or what conditions you live in, God gave you all the power in your mind to remain joyful. Praise Him with your lips, read His living breathing word daily and suddenly current world events seem so minute in the grand scheme of life.

FREE THY SELF! If you HAVE to work just to make the money to live. Spending all your waking hours toiling to make another man rich, spending the rest of your time either stressed about how everything sucks or intoxicated and distracted trying to forget, you are in the majority. You are a slave. You are missing out on what God has planned for you. He has placed dreams in your heart that the world wishes to suppress. This is the way we fight against the world, by walking in the will of Yahweh.

Choose team God everyday. Vanquish world from your thoughts and you shall find rest in Him. Tread lightly on the information you are choosing to ingest. Think IN Bible. Look at the world through a biblical lens. When faced with an opportunity to create an opinion consider what would Jesus think? Ask yourself why am I assimilating someone else’s ideas as my own? Every second is an opportunity to choose love or fear. Choose love as much as possible and when you choose fear, recognize, shift, go back to love as soon as possible.

In Cali I smoked weed. A simple act of “relaxation” quickly had me relapsing for the first time on porn. I chose into world. Now I’m back to choosing Kingdom. What could have been a serious backslide turned into a side step. Gods word reminded me of the truth. I’m back on team love.

Keep me in your prayers brothers and sisters. Be honest with yourself and those around you. If you need prayer, I’m taking request daily and am keeping a prayer log for people so I don’t miss a day of prayer for them.

Prayer is more powerful than bullets. God has far more strength than all the fighter jets and tanks combined. Choose into God and remember to not store up for yourself things that will fade with this world. False security. What rust will destroy and moths will eat, for these things are foolishness. Choose to store up treasures in the kingdom of God. Nothing can take away these treasures. Pray over somebody, get out of your comfort zone and let Gods light shine through you. This is fulfilling. This is life.

His will not my own. Shalom.


Everyday is the best day ever


Love letter to Cami