Drive to Cali: Day 1
After packing the car up at midnight, I venture out at 4 AM.
Like an ocean of solar pannels!
Im headed to New Orleans to stay with my good friend Nathan. On the way up the state of Flordia I see something i’ve never seen before. A solar farm. Solar panels for as far as the eye can see like crops. These were all over the state of Flordia and I am quite curious if they are really making a big energy impact as I imagine they would. I drive for a solid 5-6 hours.
My first stop: Tallahassee.
I wanted to see the state capitol building, but as I was pulling up, I realize that it’s 10 AM on a Sunday and churches are starting their service. All around the capital there had to be at least a dozen big churches, but God called me to first Baptist of Tallahassee. I walk in. The service doesn’t start for an hour, but I met this young man who directed me downstairs to the college age group meeting for their morning Bible study. This was fruitful, so I stuck around for the service. I didn’t know exactly how I was gonna do my Bible study today, whether I was just gonna pull over at a park bench or sit at a waffle house, but I ended up going to the church and enjoyed it thoroughly. The download I received is when sharing the good news of God, i’ll never see the ripple effect it will have on so many people. I pray that this trip leaves many ripples for those whom I meet.
The state capital is nothing to marvel at. It’s like a mini white house with a giant skyscraper and maze of modern white boxes hitched onto the back. Its no Denver capitol.
First Baptist Church on Tallahassee had a great head pastor who was passionate about sharing the good news. The worship was great too with a wide range of instruments.
I get back in the car and got another 6 hours to go! I called a few friends to chat, listened to educational podcasts, and jammed out to some music as I saw the limited scenery north Florida had to offer. Not so shocking, it felt just like Georgia, with rolling hills and forests.
Stop 2: Mobile, Alabama.
I wanted to check out the beaches of Alabama, because I never think of ocean when I consider this state. I know very little about Mobile and so I was excited to explore it. As I drive up I quickly realize this is no place to hangout. Not only are there not any beaches, this seems to be a VERY industrial port. More cranes than I have seen in a long time. Smoke stacks, port yards, and huge warehouses overwhelmed the landscape. There was a pretty cool tunnel under the city I drove through but thats about it.
Final stop where I shall sleep: New Orleans.
I get to my friend Nathans house at a decent time. 4:44PM. I sit and we catchup for an hour with him and his room mates, who I have also known for years. His birthday was yesterday and his parents just got back in town from Israel today, so we decide to go over to his parents house for some dinner. It was lovely seeing them again and his little siblings who aren’t so little anymore. There were many laughs and times of fulfilling fellowshipping with his family. Then, after the cheese cake, we were off. We went back to Nathan house to watch a movie and ended up watching the Apple TV original, “Severance”. It was NUTTTTTSSSSSS. I’m hooked and may just have to subscribe to Apple TV+ to watch the rest of it.
Day 1 was a success! Only 4 more to go until Cali. It’s the great adventure of life!
Hope you enjoyed reading Nana lol.