Book: week 3 update
I wanted to let you know how my novel is coming along. I am 3 weeks into my goal of finishing this book in 2023.
Unfortunately, I didn't quite reach my goal for the week, but I did manage to write some of my favorite pages so far. I found myself valuing work and sleep over working on the novel, but I am still happy with the progress I have made. I am 22 pages deep and it's only been 6 days into the year, so i’m glad I started a few weeks ago during 2022. While I may not have reached my initial goal of a page a day, I am still committed to continuing my work on the novel and seeing it through to completion.
I know that writing a novel is no small feat, I will continue to update you on my progress as I move forward. Pray for me and I look forward to sharing drafts with close friends who are interested.
The story of Peter Esaw is the greatest story I have conceptualized, but one writing session always takes a a few hours. Maybe I can think as I drive to Cali, who knows how this next week will go as far as writing.
Word Count: 7760
Page Count: 22