Israel concluded

Our last day in Israel was filled with love. Today was the day we hike across Jerusalem and experience New Testament moments.

Some people in my life think my interest in Hebrew roots of Christianity is a “perversion of the faith” or I’m “trying to be Jewish” while the truth is quite the contrary. Both Christian and Jewish people I speak to think we worship different Gods. The truth of it is we don’t, we all worship one God. The God of Abraham, Issac, Jacob, king David, and (of course) Jesus. We are cousins from the same family and our family doesn’t have to look exactly like theirs for us to share the same blood and love one another. Connecting to the Hebrew roots of my faith has only grown me in the faith and creates a better understanding of Jesus. When one understands the Old Testament, it gives even MORE weight and context to the New Testament!

A few years ago I began to reassess my beliefs, the traditions I participate in, and ask myself why I believe what I believe. This lead me down a road of desiring to understand Yahweh deeper. To try and fully grasp the sacrifice Jesus made so that I may be a gentile adopted as a son to the King of Kings, the one true God most high. This had me take a hard look at myself and ask questions like “do I want to pass down the tradition of Santa/modern day Christmas? The Easter bunny? Reading the Word only at church? What church is preaching the truth? Why arnt Christian’s acting like they are saved? Why arnt I acting like I’m saved? What does it mean to be saved? What does the law of Moses have to do with me? If Jesus died for my sins, does that mean I don’t have to practice the law? Nobody else is perfect so it’s impossible, right?” The more I connected with my Hebrew roots the answers to these questions became more clear, and more questions came. Israel was the beginning of the next chapter of my walk with the Lord.

Experiencing the land where our faith developed is an adventure, I believe, every Christian must take. With over 2 billion Christian’s world wide, a fraction of a percentage will ever goto Israel. I would recommend you do whatever it takes to be apart of the small percentage. This 9 days in Israel was not only the most fun trip ever, but I came out with open eyes and a full heart KNOWING I actually walked where Jesus walked. Saw the same walls that the forefathers of our faith built. Boating where the disciples fished, and eating where they ate. The memory of their lives has made a world wide impact, and by being in Israel you can feel why. Being here I felt as though this was the most important and controversial place on earth. Feeling this way I also walked away understanding this just so happens to be the location God choose to set the stage, but these stones are not more holy than the floor of my bedroom in America. God is everywhere and His divine nature can be found in any place on earth. We live in an amazing time. Now “the promise land” has transcended a plot of dirt, but by the grace of God, is now in our minds. The promise land is Christlikeness that can dwell within us all. Israel just so happens to hang onto their roots and fulfill prophecy that amazes my eyes and reminds me how powerful He is.

Today we got to do communion with Dr. Jeff, I mean Rabbi Jeff, in the garden Jesus prayed and made the decision He would make the sacrifice to die a painful death for our sins to be cleansed. It was in this very garden He told His disciples what was about to happen. This will forever be the most impactful communion I ever take. With all my friends we break bread, and drink wine and become deeply grateful for His decision. Ultimately it was a decision, for He tried praying for another way. Death on the cross was the only way. As I drink from an olive wood cup, I remember why we pray before each meal. To give thanks for His commitment to us and reestablish our commitment to Him. Everyday we make the decision to follow Him or the flesh. Today me and all my greatest friends choose into Him. Thank you Lord!

On this 9 day adventure I learned more than I can write out, made international friends, and feel closer to Yahweh than ever before. I leave Israel different than I came and desire only to act upon His will for my life. There’s a person I wish could have come with me, a person who I feel could have grown from this experience too. But it’s because this person is no longer in my life that God was able to move me into action. Israel is a physical manifestation of Gods promise to His people. His people have suffered greatly, but now they are back home and thriving! Through this I understand that everything that happens in life is because He expects more from us. Much like pain from working out, pain in this life only makes us stronger! He has a great plan for my life. I’ve understood this for a long time, but I have been weak. He has blessed me with pain so that I may be a better father to my future children, a better friend to the people He’s put in my life, a better son to my parents, and a better member of His kingdom. THANK YOU LORD FOR ALL YOU HAVE DONE!! I am so blessed to live this life, and I am so grateful for my relationship with the creator of all. Purity, integrity, commitment and honor I hold more dear than ever before. Israel changed my life. If you would like to hear more, or are interested in experiencing Israel just call me! My number is all over this site. Reach out, I’ll connect you to the right people.

God bless Israel 🇮🇱


I Moved Into A House With My Best Friends


Israel Day 8