Israel Day 4
I started the morning at 5am on the pier looking out over the sun coming up. I decided to add videography to my morning time with the Lord, capturing the beauty He made. The forever evolving painting in the sky. This is my form of worship. This is my art, capturing His art. A heeded call to the dream He places in my heart to capture His wonder though a lens. Each moment passing, a new stroke of light with His ethereal paint brush. Like a bird flying through the sky, when I am filming it feels like I stop flapping my wings and can coast on the wind arms open wide. Soaring to high places, He is the wind beneath my wings. He uses this land to play an inspiring song to the world. One of hope and love. One that opens me up to the possibility of. biblical miracles taking place.
We then drive up to mount precipice. A view of land that many Bible stories took place. Saul dying on his sword. Jesus and His disciples experiencing the transfiguration of Moses and Elijah. It’s emotional to be hiking in the place God choose to make these scenes take place. I got a scene for the documentary up there, can’t wait to show you.
We then goto downtown Nazareth to check out the big Catholic Church that had so much art from all around the world. Mildly horrifying seeing all the pagan-like images and worship of mother Mary, but hey the beauty is undeniable. We then walk down the street to the market place where we eat some lamb, then go shopping. I love the marketplace because in this culture haggling is normal, and I’m the haggling master. I got gifts for my whole family and things for myself too. I got old Israeli coins, little ark of th covenant model, a purple cashmere shaw, and then EXACTLY what I was looking for. A long flowing, manly, tunic. Bought It from an Arab dude in the same gear. I feel so good in it! THIS is the modern modest ware I dreamed of! Feeling like royalty. I haggled the guy from $100 USD to $100 shekel. After a little arguing he sold it to me a little upset, because it’s worth $350 shekel. I am a good negotiator, the trick is to use a little attitude and make a face, then start walking away. Works WAY better than the other Americans acting like haggling is a game, the store keepers see right through it and know they’ll pay full price. Then after like 2 attempts they give in and buy for full price.
We then drive our bus down to Netanya, a city on the mediterranean. We check into a SUPER nice hotel. The last hotel was incredible, but this place is 5 stars. I get my own room, have a huge deck looking out over the sea, amazing. After dinner I start walking downtown with some of my group and we are having a great time. We are with our body guard, Asher, who is strapped (carrying a gun to protect us) and is the coolest dude. He had a thick Israeli accent for 4 days, then today finally told us that He was faking it and he’s from Brooklyn, NY. Lmao. He got everyone so good. The girls were freaking out becuase they found this accent attractive and now he’s just like every other American man. Great guy, strong mindset. Moved to Israel at 7 years old, served in the IDS, everything he told us about himself was real just not the accent. So Isaiah, Rylee, Asher, Bryan, my new good friend Jeanna and I are all walking down the street trying to find something to do. We talk to all the local people our age and we meet this young lady named Arial. She turns out to know English and is super chill. We invite her to hangout with us and we have a great time. We got some icecream, danced, laughed, then ended the night around 11 back to the hotel.
Arial asked me specifically if I was here on birthright. Meaning she thinks I’m a Jew coming here to visit the land paid by the Israeli government, because I am Jewish. I said no, because I’m not Jewish at all. I had an older woman walk up to me earlier today and just start talking in Hebrew as if I was a Jew. I said “English only” and she said “wow, first time here? Welcome.” In the USA people have been asking if I’m Jewish, I’m not at all, but it really got confirmed today I look like a Jew to even Israeli Jewish people. Wild stuff, just started happening this past 3 months. Confusing because I haven’t started looking any different than I always did. I love Jewish people tho, so I take it as a compliment.
Over all I’m enjoying Israel so much more than I could have ever imagined. I knew the experience of learning Bible history would be cool, but I’m discovering the people, and country as a whole, is incredibly my style. God fearing, fun, straight to the point, patriotic (pro America too), anti-woke, and beautiful. Both the women and the land. I love it here. Having a great time. Feel like I’ve been here for a long time and I still have 6 days to go! So happy! Best trip I’ve had in a long time and I travel a good bit. Couldn’t recommend it more and the longer I’m here the more I know I’ll be back. Maybe next time I’ll know some Hebrew.