South Florida Revival month 2

I wrote a previous blog post about how I joined this college South Flordia Revival so click that link to read what it’s all about. Here was my experience going out on the street to pray over people again.

In this lesson, before we went out, we were taught how abundant Gods love for us is. How we can keep going to Him for more and He always has more to give. Pretty basic stuff, but my biggest take away is the more time we spend with God in private, the easier it is to profess His name in public. I feel this heavily as I continue everyday to spend each morning with Him for an hour or more, I find myself praying continuously through the day. This practice makes it much easier to pray over people in my life and the more I do it the easier praying over complete strangers becomes.

This week we went to downtown Hollywood to a Christmas festival. It was a rainy night filled with live Christmas songs. Unlike last month, I felt a lot of resistance this time around. Last time we went to the beach I got this feeling that people really really appreciated us praying over them. People would tell us how much they needed this and would cry. It was a lovely experience. This time we ran into a lot of Christian’s and surprisingly they were not so receptive to prayer. They would laugh at us and I felt a overwhelming sensation of judgement. A common theme was, “well I already know Jesus, I don’t need prayer”. Or they would turn us away. This didn’t discourage me though, I know how powerful prayer is and you can never pray enough! I felt like it didn’t have as big of an impact on them, but I did realize something last night. Yes, prayer is real and God hears us, but I do believe that speaking words of life over people is good for their spirit. Aside from the communication with God, which is the most important part, I understand that the positive words spoken over people has a healthy benefit to it too. No matter what denomination, we live in a world where even Christians are not telling each other how worthy and special they are. That they have a purpose and that the struggles of today will not compare to the glory to come! Overall this experience wasn’t the greatest, but we did meet a guy named Bo who was on FIRE for the Lord and after we prayed for Him, he prayed for us. God told me that he will have a big impact and he already is making a big impact in his community of loved ones, but God has a plan for him bigger than he could imagine. He received this message very well. Then he rapped a Jesus glorifying rap haha. It was great.

The prayer session that had the biggest impact this week is unknown, but the one has had the biggest impact on me was this Thursday night.

One of the youth apart of our TLT program this past summer, has had a tough life. Poverty, drugs, abuse, mother dying at a young age, suicidal thoughts, just recently taken out of school due to bullying and people beating her up. This girl has been through more in her 15 years than I have my whole life. Her father passed away out of nowhere in his sleep just hours before we saw her. She lives with her Nana and her Nana isn’t in great health. Her Nana is all she has left. My friend Rylee and I went to go pick her up, take her out for some pizza and goto the beach. While eating pizza in the sand she shared with us how confused she feels and how sad this experience has made her. Not knowing what to say I asked God to speak through me. Rylee and I prayed over her this prayer that was POWERFUL. Even though it was just a few nights ago I can’t remember at all what I said, I think because it wasn’t me talking. It was all Christ within me speaking words of life over this girl telling her exactly what He wants her to hear. She cried and told us how much these words meant to her. We went on back to my pastors house where she had a safe place to stay for a few days. Over the next 4 days I saw a transformation and understating beyond what I thought was possible! Laughing and smiling, gaining an understanding that everything happens for a reason, and things happen to make us strong for what’s to come. How every powerful, strong, great person has been through tough times and it’s these experiences that make us who we are. Not so much the experiences, but how we handle them. It’s easy to give up. It’s easy to be a victim beat down by life. It’s hard to get beat down over and over again and get back up. Getting back up is what makes one great. As for this girl, I believe she will and currently IS getting back up. She has a very bright future ahead of her and it’s all thanks to God shining His light through His people.

We get to be His hands and feet, living for Him to spread His great and powerful love to people. This is a great honor and in return for my service He has brought me great joy and freedom! Everyday I live, it seems there is a new testimony to share. God is great. If you haven’t felt Him lately, it’s not due to His lacking. He is abundant! Go pray over somebody this week… even if it’s yourself.

God bless.


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