Israel Day 6
A foggy mist drapes over the pines in the mountains of Jerusalem. The drizzling rain sprinkle my glasses, but it will pale in comparison to the droplets that fill the inside of my lenses in the Yad Vashem, holocaust memorial. I was emotional the instant I walked in the building. We start by seeing photographs pulled from pockets of the victims partially burned corpses, their cherished memories. Photos of family, playing hockey, skiing. I saw my own life and family on their smiling faces. This is what they grabbed as they were rushed out of their homes, throwing their life in a suitcase to escape from war. With promises of a better place, they were brought to their death. After a while my face hurt from being contorted, but I was unable to pull it together. Trying to hold back making any noise from my weeping I got lightheaded feeling as though I was about to pass out.
I knew that the holocaust was horrible, but hearing from a granddaughter of victims guide us through the worst details of the most documented human tragedy this world has ever seen for 2 1/2 hours, was sorrow I have only felt a few times in my life. Most recently when my papa passed away September 2nd 2021.
Details I wish I didn’t hear, because I will never forget what I saw today. Jews forced to lay on their faces all day, recite Hebrew prayers as they are urinated on, gravel put their mouths, I had to rip my headphones off and sit on the floor. Orthodox Jews having their beards cut off, ripping them out, or burning them off as they are laughed at. All photographed by Nazis proud of what they were doing. These photos were paraded around Nazi Germany with pride, because the Jews were viewed as creatures. Varmints, insects worthy of suffering and irradiation.
This memorial did a really good job at taking a big number of 6 million and making it personal. Two names I remember clearly. Charlotte Solomon and Petr Gets. Both young artist killed in concentration camps. Charlotte was murdered 3 months pregnant, she has over 700 paintings some we got to see. Peter was but a young boy. Killed in his teens he was a talented painter and writer. Seeing their faces. Hearing their stories. Viewing their art. It was inspiring knowing that young people are capable of so much impact, what happened to them can never be justified.
Learning how the concentration camps started was new knowledge for me. At first soldiers would kill Jews one by one all day long by shooting them close range. After a while the soldiers began suffering as the human spirit can not continue committing so much evil. Forced to kill children and babies, over 1 million killed. No matter how they viewed them, this vile act took a toll. This is when they created systems to do it faster and at a larger scale. Factory efficient eradication. A quote on the wall from a designer of a camp is burnt into my retinas. “The law of the camp is so that they do not know what is happening to them until it’s too late”. Designers from architect schools were proud of their work, filmed their system to send to the higher ups to prove how efficient their systems were. Over 40,000 camps from the Germans during WW2, some “outshined” others. Jews convinced they are here to get jobs that would catapult their careers, they are made to take off their clothes to go for a hot shower, then they will receive a hot meal, only to be brought to their quarters for a good nights sleep. Tomorrow they will get their jobs that aline with their expertise. Only they did not get a hot shower, they got gassed by insecticide to their death. “Why did they have to take off their clothes?”, Jeanna asks. “because the Germans wanted to use them for their own citizens and taking them off corpses took too long. Too much work. Systems for everything.” They would then ship off the clothes and shoes to the Germans to be worn. The amount of evil is almost unbelievable. Demon possession is the only justification I can conclude.
What hit home for me was learning about and seeing images of the medical experiments they would force upon these people. Gods chosen people used for medical research, all in the name of science. How cold, for how long, can someone be before they die? At what elevation do parachuters lungs collapse? Can a battle wound heal naturally in certain places, certain conditions? Dirt and gravel rubbed into gashes, does it make a difference from them being clean? I can’t help but to see comparison to what we all witnessed this past 3 years. Forced experimental shots and drugs on the world population, that now even mainstream news claims has little to no benefit. Every promise “the science” made has been broken. Side effects from people I personally have met, ravish their everyday lives. 2 years ago everybody called me a conspiracy theorist crazy person, but now they are silent. Silence sometimes speaks louder than words do, in Nazi Germanys case silence and compliance played a role in the genaside of 6 million Jews and even more if you count Jehovah witnesses, mental and physically handicapped people, gays, blacks. What the Nazis would call “unless eaters”. Waste of precious food. History repeats itself. Just like the Jews, todays people of the world will not know how bad it is until it is far too late. They believe they are being lead to a better life, by people there to help.
This experience was so powerful I couldn’t speak. My beard became wet as tears streamed down my cheeks. I try to imagine my own family trying to pack our lives into a suit case, having the rest raided by people who look at us as subhuman dirt. Being lead by willful ignorance to our deaths, wondering if this history will be written in our oppositions favor. Would I hold onto my faith? Would I be able to love again after seeing all my loved ones murdered? Could I trust anything if I survived? With my Lord there is hope. Yahweh wins in the end and I know what true pure love is through His loving commitment. I can only imagine what it would be like, but I’d like to think that I would remain hopeful. My faith in humanity would be restored by people like the ones we learned about that helped feed, shelter, and risk their lives to link arms with the Jewish people. Many of these people were Christian’s, allowing Gods light to manifest through their souls. The outward reflection of inner salvation. The power of God far outweighs the power of evil.
How can I help in todays world? What can I do to help the uighur Muslims in concentration camps TODAY in China? How can I show Gods loving commitment to modern day slaves all around the world? Forced labor that supplies our nation with our technology, clothes, and food. Sex slavery that silently props up the economy. We know there are more slaves in the world today than ever before on earth at a single time. How can I help? I am but one man of limited resources to help any of these people across the face of the planet. I AM knowledgeable on natural and preventative health. I do know that we are wonderfully and beautifully designed by God to heal ourselves, if we have the right resources. I can speak out on the medical injustices happening across the world. Yet I remain focused on other things and let fear of being judged hold me back from speaking loudly. How am I any different from the Germans who remained silently upset with the Nazis as they did what they did? I feel so deeply. So many passions and causes I feel called to and yet I waste my time by buying into the bread and circuses of our modern age. Entertainment. I thank God I didn’t allow my flesh to win, going to film school to pursue perpetuating the American propaganda distraction machine by making Hollywood films. I thank God I didn’t pursue the life of an influencer perpetuating the lifestyle of the infinite feed, scrolling time away we can never get back. I choose freelance film for the reason of having time freedom, pouring fuel onto the entrepreneurial fire lit in me by my parents at a young age. I now realize all of this was in Gods plan for my life, as I do His will I am able to use the gifts He gave me for good. I am not famous. I am not super rich. I have exactly what I need and the freedom to use these talents to pour back into others. Through Elev8Life, making videos to show young people that their words matter. Teaching them about identity and purpose. Who they are and whose they are. Through filming for my father, making videos to spread the good news of natural medicine and preventative healthcare. Speaking the truth that the pharmaceutical industry does not have our interests in mind. Being able to make this film to expose the mysteries of kingdom of heaven. I feel like an investigative journalist with God being my main source. I’m finding out that Jewish people and Christians play different roles in His kingdom and one people group is not better or worst than the other. I’ve had my doubts that this film will make an impact or that anyone will want to watch it, but I’m going to pour every ounce of my being into it with the intention that a billion people will see it. His Word is not finalized. He is still working in the world today using people that love Him to fulfill prophecy. Who says I can not play a role in the ethereal quilt He is sowing telling the story of man kind. Using movie making, a tool being used for evil, to bring light to His plan.
Pray for me as I embark on this journey.